Product Category
Buy Water Toys for Yachts
Our goal: 100% customer satisfaction. Look forward to electric water sports products that are fun. High-quality water toys including a 24-month guarantee paired with excellent customer service and fast shipping are waiting for you. We are also your competent service partner after the purchase and will not let you down when it comes to repairs, service and spare parts deliveries. We have many years of experience and the corresponding know-how for all of the products we offer.

Share some love and buy your loved ones a present!
Share some love!
buy your loved ones a present
Be it an e-foil course, a yacht charter or a discount for our exclusive shop offers.
The voucher is valid for the entire range - you decide the value!

Teilen macht Spaß! Mache deinen Liebsten ein Geschenk.
Teilen macht Spaß!
Mache deinen Liebsten ein Geschenk.
Ob E-Foil Kurs, Yacht Charter oder exklusiver Rabatt für unsere Shop-Angebote - der Gutschein ist gültig für das gesamte Sortiment. Und den Betrag wählen Sie!

¡Compartir es divertido! Haz un regalo a tus seres queridos.
¡Compartir es divertido!
Haz un regalo a tus seres queridos.
Ya sea un curso de e-foil, el alquiler de un yate o un descuento para nuestras ofertas exclusivas de la tienda.
El vale de descuento es válido para toda la gama: ¡tú decides el valor!